Spring 2023, Volume 49, Issue 3
301– Weihong Bao, Jacob Gaboury, and Daniel Morgan
Introduction: Medium/Environment
315–Francesco Casetti
The Optical and the Environmental: From Screens to Screenscapes
337–D. Cuong O’Neill
Ecomedia in the Wild: Camera Traps, Geiger Counters, and Radioactive Boars
359–Reinhold Martin
On the Fence: Media, Ecology, Marx
384–Antonio Somaini
Toward Dematerialization: Light, Medium, Environment
406– Florian Sprenger (translated by Erik Born and Matthew Stoltz)
Surrounding and Surrounded: Toward a Conceptual History of Environment
428–Weihong Bao
Set Design Thinking and the Art of the Human
462–Rahul Mukherjee
Sensitivity and Sensing: Toward a Processual Media Theory of Electromagnetic Vibrations
Publication date:
March 23, 2023
Publication type:
Special Issue