Programs / Graduate Program

Student Financial Support and Employment

We provide a comprehensive fully funded five-year package to all admitted students that encompasses full coverage of tuition, fees, and health insurance. Our funding offers include semesters of student financial support via stipend and semesters of employment via Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) positions during the fall and spring semesters. In addition, our funding offers provide financial support via stipend during the summer.


Film & Media graduate students have historically supported themselves by working as Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs) for a maximum of four years. Since June 1, 2000, GSI employment has been governed by a union contract. We provide GSI appointments (50% appointments, 20 hours/week) within the Department’s undergraduate program, where responsibilities include leading discussion sections for lower-division courses and larger, mandatory upper-division lecture courses. Additionally, we offer Reader positions (20% appointments, 8 hours/week) within the Department’s undergraduate program. Furthermore, we offer GSI positions specifically for Reading and Composition (R1A and R1B) courses. Each semester, we typically teach approximately four sections of this undergraduate requirement. External students may inquire about GSI and Reader openings by emailing our Graduate Student Affairs Officer,


Each semester Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) positions may become available. These positions are established through arrangements between faculty members with research grants and students who express interest.


Graduate students may also consider applying for Berkeley and extramural fellowships, grants and awards.