
Jennifer Pranolo

PhD 2017

Dissertation: “Studio/World: Photography’s Other Nature”

Center for Humanistic Inquiry Fellow, Amherst College

Alina Predescu

PhD 2023

Dissertation: People Have the Word: Experiments with Voice in Polish Documentary, 1960 – 1984

Alina Predescu (Film & Media PhD 2023) works on questions of ethics and aesthetics in documentary and nonfiction film. Her research explores concepts of ethnographic representation in nonfiction film, forms of perfomativity present in documentary film, and the interview as a performative device of nonfiction film. She received an M.A. in Film Studies from San Francisco State University, a B.A. in Audiovisual Communications from National...

Jessica Ruffin

PhD 2021

Dissertation: “A World Divided: Schopenhauer, Aesthetics, and Cinematic Experience”

Jessica Ruffin receives her PhD in Film & Media in 2021, with designated emphasis in Critical Theory. She holds an MA in German Literature and Culture from UC Berkeley (2018) as well as an MA in Humanities from University of Chicago (2008). Her interdisciplinary research brings together aesthetic philosophy, media theory, spectatorial theory, and media archaeology towards inquiry into ethical relation and aesthetic experience. Her dissertation, “A World Divided:...

Diana Ruíz

PhD 2021

Dissertation: “Resources of Perception: Visuality and Power at the U.S.-Mexico Border”

Diana Flores Ruíz was a Mellon Mays Dissertation Fellow and received her PhD in Film & Media at Berkeley with a Certificate in Global Urban Humanities. She holds a BA from Duke University in Women’s Studies and Arts of the Moving Image. Her dissertation research on the US-Mexico border investigates developments in epistemic seeing across visual technologies, from photography’s role in nineteenth century cartography up to contemporary virtual reality surveillance,...

Justin Vaccaro

PhD 2019

Dissertation: “Human Sciences, Human Monsters: the SF-Horror Film from the 1930s to 1960s”

Althea Wasow

PhD 2021

Dissertation: “Moving Images/Modern Policing: Silent Cinema and Its Afterlives”

Althea Wasow is a 2020 Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellow who completed her Ph.D. in Film & Media and Critical Theory at UC Berkeley in 2021. Her dissertation analyzes the ways in which the emerging institutions of modern policing and motion pictures corroborated and subverted each other’s projects in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. She has presented her work at Lüdwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, the UC Berkeley Center for Race & Gender, SCMS...

Lida Zeitlin-Wu

PhD 2022

Dissertation: “Seeing By Numbers: Color Systems and the Digitization of Perception”

Postdoctoral Research Fellow / DISCO Curriculum Development Fellow, Digital Studies Institute, University of Michigan
Lida Zeitlin-Wu is a scholar of media, race, and visual culture whose work explores the rationalization of sensory experience and selfhood under techno-capitalism. She received her PhD in Film & Media in 2022 and is currently a...