ART 171 001 – STD 001 Video Projects (Priority enrollment for Art Practice majors and intended Art Practice majors)
ART 172 001 – STD 001 Advanced Digital Media: Computer Graphics Studio (Priority
enrollment for Art Practice majors and intended Art Practice majors)
ASAMST 171 001 – LEC 001 Asian Americans in Film and Video
COMLIT 171 001 – LEC 001 Topics in Modern Greek Literature: History and Trauma: Modern Greek Literature and Film After 1923
ETHSTD 122AC 001 – LEC 001 Ethnicity and Race in Contemporary American Films
FRENCH 140D 001 – LEC 001 History of French Cinema: Politics and Aesthetics
GWS 125 001 – LEC 001 Women and Film
GWS C146B 001 – LEC 001 Cultural Representations of Sexualities: Queer Visual Culture
JAPAN 159 001 LEC 001 Contemporary Japanese Literature
MELC 157 001 – LEC 001 Reel Arabs: Film and Fiction in the Middle East
NATAMST 158 001 LEC 001 Native Americans and the Cinema