HUM 196: Unlocatable: Seeing Hong Kong and its Arts

March 30, 2022

HUM 196
Mentored Research Lab
3 units, Class #24594

Unlocatable: Seeing Hong Kong and its Arts
Instructor: Prof. Winnie Wong
Thursday, 2-5pm
Wheeler 212

Mentored Research courses are designed to introduce upper-division students to the research culture on campus in a small group format. You will work closely with faculty members and graduate-student mentors in both seminar-style cohorts and more focused groups.

A city of great change and tiny spaces for them, Hong Kong abounds in contradictions and movement. Marked by a history of migration, refuge, exile, and capital flows, its preferred cultural forms are fleeting ones, born of dislocation and relocation. What is the relationship between an art form and the place in which it was produced? How do we communicate the particularities of a location while doing justice to the universality of an artwork's expression? This course immerses students in the history of the arts in Hong Kong, the Pearl River Delta region, and its diasporas. Students will research art in many media, from comedy to graphic design, from kung fu to video art. Collaborating with the Asian Art Museum, students will produce digital materials for public engagement. The course will culminate in an online exhibition of students' work, an effort to "locate" and "see" Hong Kong and its arts.

Instructor approval is required. Please submit an expression of interest online at this link. The priority application deadline is May 1, 2022. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis through the beginning of the semester as space permits. Selected students will receive a $500 research stipend. Results will be announced on May 11. Questions? Please email

Keywords: Art, Media, Curatorial Practice, Hong Kong, Pearl River Delta

Image credit: Landscape, 1997, by Fang Zhaolin (Chinese, 1914-2006) and Ding Xiongquan (Chinese, 1929-2010). Ink and colors on paper. Asian Art Museum. Gift of the artist's children. 2005.6. © Estate of Fang Zhaoling. Photograph © Asian Art Museum of San Francisco.