KOREAN 186: Introduction to Korean Cinema
*This course fulfills Global Media requirement.
KOREAN 187: History and Memory in Korean Cinema
FRENCH 170: Introduction to French Cinema
*This class is open to both French and Film majors, though lectures are taught in French. Film & Media students will not be assessed on their competency in French.
ASAMST 138: Topics in Asian Popular Culture
ART 171: Video Projects
CHICANO 135B: Latino Narrative Film Since 1990
ITALIAN 170: The Italian Cinema: History, Genres, Authors: Italian Cinema and the Ecological Imagination
*Cross-listed with FILM 145. Fulfills Global Media requirement.
MELC 157: Reel Arabs: Film and Fiction in the Middle East
ENGLISH 190: Research Seminar: Utopian and Dystopian Books and Movies
ART 173: Electro-Crafting
SASIAN 130: Film, Visual Media and Spectatorship Practices in Modern South Asia