DKA Panel: The Hollywood Inclusion Crisis

March 2, 2016

 Hollywood Inclusion Crisis. Grey background with film strip vector art showing Black power fist. Listing of featured panelists in yellow text.

Friday, March 4, 2016

5:00 pm

142 Dwinelle Hall

In the wake of the #oscarssowhite movement, the panel will discuss the erasure of POC talent at the oscars as a symptom of the larger issue of lack of diversity in hollywood and the media, and the effects of misrepresentation on the public. The panel will also tackle questions of intersectionality regarding gender, sexuality and ability.

Ephraim Walker – Consultant Producer, Fruitvale Station
Cecil Brown – UC Berkeley African American Studies, Author
Kim Nunley – Screenwriter
Andrew Barlow – UC Berkeley Sociology
Da Carla – Director, Actor, Performance Artist
Kristine Stolakis – Documentary Filmmaker