“The Variations of Nicolás Pereda”

My skin, luminous

April 12, 2023

From April 11-18, the Parisian museum, Jeu de Paume, has organized a retrospective and celebration of the work of the Film and Media professor, Nico Pereda. 

“¿Tú también eres actor? (Are you also an actor?), Gabino asks Paco when they meet for the first time in Fauna (2020). This question could be the leitmotif of Nicolás Pereda’s cinema, where doubt never ceases to hover between documentary and fiction. The fifteen films directed by the Mexican-Canadian filmmaker born in 1982 seem to want to emphasize the part of theatrical construction and staging that resides in all human action.

Jeu de Paume website has more information: https://jeudepaume.org/evenement/cinema-nicolas-pereda/