

Casetti profile

Rhizomatic Media Archaeology

Fri, Apr 12, 2024, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

188 Dwinelle

Francesco Casetti

Open to graduate students and faculty. Space is limited. RSVP to Linus Mao ( ASAP to receive two texts, which will serve as a basis for interactive discussion. Lunch will be provided at noon in the German Dept. library. In your RSVP, please indicate if you would like to stay for lunch and if you have any dietary restrictions.
Francesco Casetti is Sterling Professor of Humanities and Film and Media Studies at Yale University. He is the author of Inside the Gaze: The Fiction Film and Its Spectator (1999), Theories of Cinema, 1945–1995 (1999), Eye of the Century: Film, Experience, Modernity (2008), The Lumière Galaxy: Seven Key Words for the Cinema to Come (2015), and Screening Fears: On Protective Media (2023).
Sponsored by the Department of Film & Media, the Department of German, and the Program in Critical Theory.