Courses / Undergraduate

Fall 2024

  • The Craft of Writing – Film Focus

    R1B 004 | CCN: 26591

    Location: Dwinelle 206

    Date and Time: M, W 6:30pm - 7:59pm

    4 Units

    In this course, we will be analyzing how films create narratives through editing. How does editing create a sensory and “lived-in” experience of a constructed world? How does editing develop complex characters? How does editing shape our imaginings of the past and our speculations about the future? What is editing, anyway? We will address these questions and more in our analyses of a wide variety of films, including Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Gone to Earth, and The Man who Shot Liberty Valance. By focusing on how these films are constructed, not just through editing, but through lighting, sound effects, set design, and other extradiegetic elements, students will practice writing persuasive analytical arguments and contribute to the scholarly project of Film Studies. We will also read (and critique!) scholarly articles on film and learn how to respond to these articles effectively in our own essays.

    This is a Reading & Composition course, so our main objective is to develop critical viewing, reading, and writing skills. To that end, substantial time will be devoted to writing workshops and peer reviews. In addition to completing essay assignments and revisions, students will be expected to read up to 80 pages of scholarly literature per week and to participate actively in class.