Courses / Undergraduate

Spring 2014

  • The Craft of Writing

    R1B - 002 | CCN: 31609

    Dolores C. McElroy and Jennifer Blaylock

    4 Units

    The primary goal of this course is to teach practical skills in college writing with a special emphasis on research. The topic of this R1B will examine the monster as cultural object. Course material will address zombies, vampires, Frankenstein’s monster and other terrifying “creatures” as menaces born from conceptions of race, class and sexuality. In other words, all of those unnamed “threats” that ceaselessly renegotiate their meanings in the mysterious process we call “modernity.” Enthusiasm for creepy things required.
    Here are the texts we’ll require:
    Course Reader (to be purchased at Replica Copy – 2138 Oxford St)
    Writing Analytically **5th Edition (**important to have 5th Edition: students can purchase on Amazon)
    Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (Dover Thrift Edition, Unabridged, Paperback)