Courses / Undergraduate

Summer 2019

  • Film & Media Professions

    178 | CCN: 14262

    Keith Wilson

    3 Units

    T/W/TH 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM, Dwinelle 142 ///

    This six-week course is designed to acquaint students with a variety of professions in and around the Bay Area that are open to those wishing to pursue careers in film and media. A series of ten guest lecturers/lecturer teams drawn from these professions will guide students through the opportunities and work experiences available in such fields as studio and independent film production, documentary production for film and television, film curating and archiving, programming film festivals, creating media content for art museums, and designing educational online content. Guest speakers will present overviews of their chosen professions such as job descriptions, workplace collaboration and interaction, paths to careers, and necessary education and experience, all illustrated with media content they’ve worked on. This will be followed by question-and-answer sessions that give students a chance to interact directly with the speakers and explore specific areas of inquiry.