
Summer 2024

  • Film & Media Professions

    178 001 | CCN: 13622

    Brett Fallentine

    Location: Dwinelle 142

    Date and Time: TU, W, TH, 1-3:30pm

    3 Units

    This course is designed to give those interested in film and media careers an introduction to the wide range of professional possibilities that exist in the Bay Area and beyond. Centered around a series of 10–12 guest lectures from working professionals, the course will give students valuable insight into the opportunities and challenges of working in the field. Guests will come from a variety of professions including: studio and independent film production, screenwriting, documentary production for film and television, visual effects and pre-vis production, film curation, film festival programming, sound design, and emerging distribution platforms. With each guest visit, students will have the chance to interact directly with speakers to explore specific areas of inquiry. The course will also focus on a variety of professional development tools and strategies for getting started in film and media professions.